Serving kebaya dresses sew services, moslem dresses, and uniform with garment quality in Jember East Java Indonesia | Rumah Jahit Indonesia

Who we are

Our official portal address is :

What personal data we use, why do we use

When visitors leave comments on our site we use the data that appears on the contact form, also IP address (internet protocol) visitors and search agent paths on search engines to help us detect spam actions.

Random path / anonymized string created by the email address (can also be called randomization) which may cause a gravatar service to show whether you are using it. This privacy policy gravatar service is here: After approval of your comments, Your photos and data appear to be related to your comments and interactions in communication.


If you upload an image (optional) on the website, you should avoid the locations listed therein (EXIF GPS). Web portal visitors can download and extract image location data on the portal.

Contact Form


If you leave a message / comment on our web portal there may be an option in it to save your name, alamat email dan portal web dalam bentuk cookies. This is for your convenience so you don't have to fill in more details when you leave a message. These cookies are for one time period per year.

If you already have an account when logged in to our portal, we will set a temporary cookie determined if your searcher accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and will be discarded after you close your search.

When you log in, we will set some cookies to save your login information and your screen choices. Cookies expire two days, and optional screen cookies once a year. If you select "Always remember me", your login data is the same in a week. If you log out of the account, the login cookies will be deleted, for now this feature is not available.

How we protect your data

We will save it offline, with the exception of our third party partner i.e. google.

What data breach procedures we have in place

Will apply according to information technology laws that have authority in Indonesian jurisdiction.

What automated decision-making and/or profiling we do with user data

For now this stage is not yet available, we are not collect any personal data and/or profiling related to decision-making.

Industry regulatory disclosure requirements

Plugin: Smush

Note: Smush does not interact with end users on this website. The only input option Smush has is to subscribe to the newsletter for site admins only.

Smush sends images to DEE DEV servers to optimize them for web use. This includes EXIF ​​data transfer. EXIF data will be stripped or restored as is. It is not stored on the DEE DEV server.

Smush uses a third-party email service (flow) to email information to site administrators. An administrator email address is sent to Drops and cookies are set by the service. Only administrator information is collected by Drip.

Terms and policies for tailor services at sewing houses | Privacy-Policy Rumah Jahit Indonesia
Terms and policies for tailor services at sewing houses | Privacy-Policy Rumah Jahit Indonesia